Search Old Wills and Estates to Find Northcarolinapioneers
Finding Ancestors in Courthouse Records
County records are the real value in genealogical research. Locating your family names in will and estate books at the county courthouse is easy. However, you do not have to visit there because North Carolina Wills and Estates are online at the following link:
Counties - Northcarolina Pioneers
Index to county
Click on each county and search for your names. It is that easy! The website's members have access to county records. The next step is to become a member and read the actual wills. If your ancestor died intestate, his estate record is probably recorded. Therefore, a thorough examination of the handling of the estate (until all heirs have been paid) is indicated. Search the Annual Returns, Sales, and Receipts because this is where you learn the names of the heirs, including the sons-in-law. Once you have all the heirs' names, double-check the county’s marriage records to discover who the daughters married!
Searching wills and estates can take one the long mile of discovery. Click below to become a member
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