Images of Will Book 1758 to 1774
Testators: Andrews, Henry | Baley, Richard | Baylis, John; | Bell, George | Boykin, John | Brown, Samy | Bruce, Peter | Bryant, William | Bull, Thomas | Butler, Joseph | Bynum, James | Cox, William | Crudup, George | Daikers, Daniel | Desire, James Judge | Dur, John | Dyar, James | Edmonds, James | Emry, Green | Enlow, John | Fargason, William | Fuqua, William | Goodwin, George | Graves, George | Green, Thomas | Hardy, Hugh | Harris, Thomas | Haws, Henry | Heath, Thomas | High, Daniel | Hobgood, William | House, William | Jackson, James | Johnson, Peter | Jones, William | Langley, Thomas | Lattimore, Mary | Lempty, Hening | Linden, John | Mathis, Thomas Sr. | McKenzie, Barnaby | Merrit, Benjamin | Pavis, John | Peirce, Joseph | Perry, Patience | Pitts, Walter | Pope, Henery | Pope, Richard | Pope, Thomas | Pope, Thomas (2) | Powell, William | Reed, Susanna | Robbinson, William | Robertson, Henry | ; Smith, Drew | ; Smith, James | Studivent, Biggin | Tatum, Joshua | Taylor, James | Taylor, Roger | Thompson, William Riddle Hunt | Upshaw, William | Wallace, Michael | Waller, John | Wiggins, Thomas | Wilkins, Thomas | Williams, Francis | Williams, Jane | Williams, John | Williamson, Robert
The above lists the earliest surviving old wills and estates for Halifax County, North Carolina.