Most State Archives remain closed to the public, and the prospects of opening any time soon appear dim. (I frequently phone to ask). We may be stuck inside, however, genealogists can still research their ancestors online.
Fortunately, Georgia Pioneers is still adding data from microfilm of county records such as Wills, Estates, Marriages etc. to its website. Our most recent additions include the State of Tennessee.
Latest New additions to
Blount County - Images of Wills 1795-1869; 1896-1922; 1923-1934
Campbell County - Images of Bonds and Administrations 1891-1911; Marriages 1838-1865; 1868-1881; 1881-1889
Claiborne County - Images of Wills, Inventories and Settlements 1812-1814; 1839-1844 (no index); 1855-150; Images of Bonds & Administrations 1878-1899; 1899-1921; Images of Wills 1867-1898; 1870-1892 (no index); Wills & Inventories 1848-1852; General Index to deeds 1801-1850
Carter - Images of Wills 1797-1850; 1850-1920 (no index);1920-1938; Images of Wills 1794 to 1839; 1797-1850 (Missing Pages); Images of Wills 1850-1920 (No Index); Images of Wills 1920-1937; Images of Inventories and Estates 1839-1855; Bonds and Letters of Administration 1876-1924; 1878-1954; Executor Bonds 1954-1969; Bonds 1969-1970; Minutes of the Court 1804-1889; Marriages 1790-1900; Tax Digests, Land Entries, Surveys 1824-1923; Tax Digest 1860-1872
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